Welcome to the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild (MANG) Website.
The object of this Guild is for educational and cultural development through participation in, and encouragement of, interest in the art of needlepoint.
Presidents' Message
Hello Ladies,
Fall is zipping by. We have enjoyed the reds, oranges and yellow colors on the trees; and now we are clearing up the leaves as Nature goes to sleep. Halloween has passed (about 1350 kids came in 3 hours! to our house in NC before we ran out of candy). Currently Thanksgiving meals are being planned while Holiday shopping is filling our thoughts.
MANG is busy organizing our Holiday party for December 16. Jane Melick will have a signup sheet at our Monday, Nov.18 meeting for volunteers to bring appetizers and desserts. If anyone has suggestions for games or entertainment, please share them with me or Nancy Kirwin.
We are also looking forward to Jane's specially designed ornament class at our November meeting. This is a celebratory gift from our Chapter to our members in honor of our 50th year anniversary.
I have actually spent hours stitching on my Heirloom Project so I hope that others are diligently working on theirs as well so that we can have a wonderful showing and sharing in the Spring of 2025. Thank you to everyone who is sharing their ideas and giving their time to support our Chapter!
Linda Grignolo
{President, until someone else steps into my shoes }
As needlepointers, we all love our "holes" but being holed up is a whole (pun intended) different story. ANG will be providing HUMs (Holed Up Mini) projects each week to help us keep focused on positive things. These are meant to be stash projects (we don't have much choice), using colors you have available. They are all small so hopefully you have pieces of canvas to use. These projects are available to both members and non-members.
If you are not a member of ANG, please look at our Events page and our Distance Learning classes, to see some of the benefits of joining. You can join ANG here.
Please continue to check back often for new content! These projects will not be permanently on the website, so download them when you see them.
To access on the internet: Click here or Search: American Needlepoint Guild
Once into the site, on the main screen it says: NEW: Hold Up Minis (HUM) Projects, tips and techniques to help you ride out the quarantine. Click on this and the next screen reflects several weekly projects already posted.
About Us:
Have you been a lifelong stitcher? Has your interest in needlepoint waned a bit?
Or are you just wondering what to do with a needle, thread and some canvas?
Are you a friend of a needle pointer and curious as to what needle pointers do? Then you have come to the right website! We welcome all levels of stitchers to our chapter, and we have plenty of interesting activities planned for our members throughout the year.
Needlepoint is easy, fun and affordable. You can create wonderful designs to make for yourself, or to give as presents to friends and family, which will be treasured for many years. Whether it is a painted design or a charted counted canvas piece to more varied Needlepoint Design, all are of tremendous interest to see in progress or completed.
Programs at the regular monthly meetings range from stitching projects (usually taught by a chapter member) to lectures and social events. All of these are described in our chapter newsletter Needle Points, which is distributed to our members four times a year. A Special event luncheon and dinner is also planned for the winter holidays in December as well as a year-end celebration in May. We also encourage Stitch-ins at members’ homes and in public spaces to spread the joy of our craft.
In addition, the Chapter sponsors at least one multi-day workshop annually, taught by a nationally-known teacher, and offering a more complex project than is suitable for the shorter monthly meetings.
I invite you to come to our next meeting, and bring a friend, too. The MANG Chapter meets from 9:30am to 2:00pm on the third Monday of months September thru April with the educational program starting at 10:00am. Meetings are at St Anne’s Church, 147 Concord Road in Lincoln.
There will be no kitchen or microwave facilities available. Members may bring in their own coffee/tea/water and lunches.
Please do join us!
Chapter Purpose
The American Needlepoint Guild is an educational organization dedicated to promoting all forms of needlework on a readily counted ground fabric.
Stitch In Updates!
Hi everyone!
Hosting a stitch In is a fun thing to do and very easy on the hostess. If you would like to have a stitch In contact me at Centerrm3@gmail.com.
The bylaws are in the process of being updated. The current copy is available here bylaws.
Policies and Procedures
Revised 8/11/2019
The current policies and procedures of the Massachusetts Chapter are available here.
No part of this website may be published, reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by an means whatsoever (including electronic, mechanical, photocopy) other than for personal or chapter/region use without written permission from the copyright holder. All Rights Reserved.